Top Video Game Releases For September 2019

Coming off of the tail end of August, some big games have just been released. Control, Man of Medan, and Astral Chain have all been gaining popularity up until their release dates, but there are some big games coming in September that fans have been waiting a long time for. The following are the biggest releases of the next month.

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered

Final Fantasy VIII Remastered

Release date: September 3rd

Platforms- PC, PS4, Switch, Xbox One

After years of fans asking for it, Final Fantasy VIII is getting the remastered treatment to celebrate its 20th anniversary. On September 3rd, you can relive the epic journey of Squall with completely newly updated character models and HD graphics. Square Enix has not tampered with the gameplay at all so throw those worries out the door. There are a few new additions though besides the graphical advancement that might make this a better experience than in the past. If you are looking for an easy walkthrough of the game, you can completely turn battles off, or give yourself unlimited health and max out your ATB gauge to use any ability whenever you want. The game can also be played at 3x speed to get through those very long cut scenes.

Gears 5

Gears 5

Release date: September 6th on Game Pass/Ultimate Edition, September 10th for everyone

Platforms- Windows 10 PC, Xbox One

Gears of War returns with Gears 5 on the 6th of the month for any Ultimate Edition buyers or Game Pass subscribers. This time around, the campaign focuses on Kait Diaz and her mysterious ties to the swarm. We should be looking for a lot of answers about her past and really learn more about her as a character. The popular Horde mode returns as well as a new mode called Escape where you and two other teammates need to take down swarm hives from within. A map builder for Escape is also available to create and share with everyone.

Monster Hunter World: Icebourne

Monster Hunter World: Icebourne

Release date: September 6th

Platforms: PS4, Xbox One

While the PC version of the Monster Hunter World expansion won’t release until February 2020, the console version arrives right here at the beginning of the month. Promising a new world, more powerful monsters, and challenging master rank quests, Icebourne picks up right where the base game left off. The expansion takes place at Hoarfrost Reach with the new headquarters named Seliana. Monster Hunter fans will be able to take on brand new monsters with a new grapple hook that attaches to monsters as well as brand new mechanics and combos for every weapon type from the base game.

See also  Top Video Game Releases In August 2019

Borderlands 3

Borderlands 3

Release date: September 13th

Platforms- PC, PS4, Xbox One

Borderlands has been M.I.A. for awhile now. The first mainline game since Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel makes its long-awaited debut on the 13th of the month. Billions of guns make their debut this time around, some including legs, volcanoes, and other insane attachments that you only find in a Borderlands game. The four new playable vault hunters to choose from this time are Moze, who can call in and pilot her own mech, Amara, a siren that uses her powers to form multiple giant fists for hard hitting, FL4K who is a beastmaster, and Zane who loves to use his gadgets to blow up enemies. Probably the most exciting part about Borderlands 3 is that we are taking the search for vaults away from Pandora this time. This time we will be exploring the cosmos looking for that good old loot.

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep

Destiny 2: Shadowkeep

Release date: September 17th

Platforms: PC, PS4, Xbox One

Monster Hunter World is not the only game receiving a big expansion this month. Bungie are releasing their first big expansion for Destiny 2 since the split with Activision. In the Shadowkeep expansion, players will have access to Earth’s Moon for the first time since the first game years ago. If you are worried that you will need to shell out money for the previous expansions to play the newest one, have no fear. Bungie have already revealed that you will just need to buy this expansion pass to try out the new quests, raid, and weapons. Get ready for another grind guardians.

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The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

The Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening

Release date: September 20th

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Rounding out our list this month is the remake of the popular GameBoy Zelda game titled Link’s Awakening. Link is washed ashore Koholint Island and needs to figure out how he can awaken the Windfish and leave the island. The graphics have been altered and is definitely an art style we have yet to see in a Zelda game yet. If you ever played the original game before, you will recognize that everything is how it was back in the day, but everything has been brought up to speed with today’s current standards and a new dungeon building mechanic has been added for the creative types that have been hoping for a Zelda Maker.

John Hansen
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