Everything We Can Expect To See At E3 2019

It is almost one of the most exciting times of the year for gamers. E3 is just a few weeks away, and we cannot wait to see what the gaming industry has in store for us over the next year or two. Although we will not see Sony attending the show this year, there are still tons of exciting announcements and reveals we can look forward to this coming June.


Electronic Arts

Electronic Arts are kicking off E3 again this year (without being at E3). While they are not doing a traditional conference, they are hosting live streams of their upcoming games. This will, of course, include their annual installments of Madden and FIFA, but should also include the following:

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order will see its first gameplay reveal after its reveal in April. The game is being made by Respawn, the makers of the Titanfall games as well as Apex Legends. Where those games focus on multiplayer though, this is a single player campaign focused Star Wars game.

Anthem should see some announcements for how the game will evolve going forward. Aside from that, there is a chance we see the first gameplay of Bioware’s newest Dragon Age game that was announced at last year’s Game Awards.

On the side, Need for Speed could potentially see a new game in the longtime series announced. New indie games like A Way Out, Unravel, and Fe should also see some spotlight.



Microsoft has the most to gain this year at E3 with no PlayStation conference happening, and they are set to announce some exciting things. With no Sony conference, expect to see a lot of third-party trailers here as well as a montage section dedicated to the ID@Xbox program. For the more Xbox centered ideas, here is what we should see.

First, we should expect to see some announcement about the next Xbox, which is codenamed “Scarlet.” The Xbox team can explain how exactly this new console is a step up from what we currently have. There is also a potential for two different boxes being shown. A while ago, rumors started swirling about one beefier version and one cheaper model. There is a chance that the cheaper model would not have a disc drive after the All-Digital Xbox One S released earlier this month. However, with the next generation consoles not likely to arrive until the fall of 2020, do not expect a giant reveal of the console(s).

Second on the checklist for Microsoft to unveil at E3 2019 is its streaming service, Xcloud. Ever since Google announced its Stadia service earlier this year, Microsoft has been showing they are confident in the service they have been developing for a while. Expect a pretty deep dive into how the service works across multiple platforms and how they tackle the questions of internet connectivity and button inputs while streaming a game.

This would not be an E3 conference without games, though. Microsoft has said that plenty of their newly acquired development teams will be making a presentation at this years E3. Expect to see the following:

The Coalition go deep into showing Gears 5, as well as the PC strategy game Gears Tactics and the mobile Funko Gears of War games. Expect a lot of gameplay shown off and a release date for at least Gears 5.

343 Industries can show off more on Halo Infinite. We are not sure exactly when we are getting this game, so do not expect much more than a story trailer. If we are lucky, we get a gameplay reveal and a release window (most likely Fall, 2020). 343 should also be announcing when the Master Chief Collection will be making its way to PC as well as when we can expect to get Halo Reach in the collection.

Mojang should be expected to show off new updates coming to Minecraft. Also, Minecraft Dungeons should be shown off more and potentially the newly announced AR mobile game Minecraft Earth.

Rare recently updated Sea of Thieves with its first-anniversary update so do not be surprised if all they show is a roadmap for what is coming to the game over the next 12 months.

Obsidian is set to release the Outer Worlds later this year. While it is not an Xbox exclusive, expect to see new gameplay for it and release date.

The Initiative is the new studio Microsoft has been building up as its new “AAAA” studio. They have been acquiring a lot of seasoned talent around the gaming industry, and 2019 looks like a perfect year to at least reveal what game they are working on.

Playground Studios, the development team behind the Forza Horizon games, has been working on an RPG for a bit now. Some rumors are pointing to it being a new Fable game. Regardless of what it is, we should get an announcement at E3 this year.

Ninja Theory recently ported Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice to the Nintendo Switch after it coming to Xbox last year. Since the game originally released a couple of years ago now, there is a chance we get a tease for the next game they are working on.

It is Turn 10’s turn to release a new Forza Motorsport game so expect to see an announcement here for that.

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Finally, InXile should be showing off Wasteland 3 with a release date.

Those are the studios you should expect to hear from at Microsoft’s Xbox 2019 E3 conference, but others might make an appearance. Undead Labs could show new stuff on State of Decay 2, and while Compulsion fully released We Happy Few last year, there is a chance we see an update to that game or a tease for something new.



Bethesda has an interesting show at E3 coming up. Todd Howard has already confirmed that we will not see Starfield or Elder Scrolls VI in any capacity at the show after they were announced last year. Those are two huge games on Bethesda’s horizon, but these are the games we should expect to see this year.

Rage 2 just released so if we do not see anything talking about the future of the game, it would be very surprising.

DOOM Eternal should get another trailer showing off its fast gameplay and a release date hopefully for this fall, but potentially Spring, 2020.

Elder Scrolls Online has been a popular and successful MMO for Bethesda the last several years so expect to see something on the Elsweyr expansion and possibly a roadmap for the next year.

Fallout 76 was nothing short of a disaster when it released last year for Bethesda. That being said, expect to see a roadmap for what the game has coming to it in the foreseeable future.

Wolfenstein Youngblood sees you playing as BJ Blaskowikz twin daughters. This cooperative centered game is arriving in July so expect quite a bit of gameplay at E3.

Those are the big staples of Bethesda, but Arkane Studios could easily make their presence known at the show as well. They made the very popular but underselling Dishonored 2 and Prey a couple of years ago. Expect either a continuation of either of those games or something completely new.



Ubisoft has been on a good run the last few years of having popular games that reach a large reach of people. Skull and Bones was recently delayed and was confirmed to NOT show at this year’s E3. Assassin’s Creed should be on short hiatus, so do not expect to see anything on that popular series here as well. The following is what we SHOULD see at E3 2019 from them.

Beyond Good and Evil 2 has been in the workings for a very long time now. Last year, we saw our first screenshots into the alpha version of the game. This year you must expect to see actual gameplay on the much-anticipated prequel to the cult classic original. A deeper dive into the world, and characters can also be explored with a new story trailer. Potentially a release date or window is revealed, but it might still be too early for that. Do not expect it before Spring, 2020, for sure.

Just Dance is an annual franchise for Ubisoft and should be expected to get yet another game.

Rainbow Six Siege has been a mega success over the last few years with them announcing last year they had crossed 35 million players. Expect them to show their ego here and see the next season pass characters.

There have been a few rumors going around that Watch_Dogs 3 will be coming this year and takes place in London. If true, we will see it at E3.

The last two years at E3, Ubisoft has announced surprise games that deal with Nintendo properties. Mario + Rabbids in 2017, and Starlink with Starfox missions last year. Both games were received well, so do not be surprised if another Ubisoft developed game features Nintendo characters.

Ubisoft has experimented with VR titles in the past. Some new potential titles could be in the pipeline for different VR headsets.

Ghost Recon: Breakpoint was recently announced with Jon Bernthal (Shane from The Walking Dead and Frank Castle from Netflix’s The Punisher) as the main baddie. There should be a big dive into the gameplay at E3.

A new Splinter Cell game is one of the most requested and wanted games in the whole game industry right now. After the recent “joke” tweets from Julian Gerighty on Twitter, Ubisoft needs to at the very least let us know if this game is in development or not. If it is, do not expect much more than a title reveal, but there is also a chance we see nothing at all on it.

Ubisoft recently said they have three unannounced AAA games coming before March 2020. One of these could potentially include Splinter Cell, but until the show happens, anything is possible.

Square Enix

Square Enix

Square Enix tends to hold onto games that have been in the waiting for a long time, and 2019 is no different. Here is what Square Enix should be showing at E3 2019.

The Avengers Project was announced over two years ago with a teaser trailer, and nothing has been shown of it since. Crystal Dynamics is leading development on it with Eidos Montreal helping. Running off of the booming success of Avengers Endgame seems like the perfect time to show what this game is.

Final Fantasy VII recently got a new trailer during the Sony State of Play stream a couple of weeks ago. The game is still expected to be releasing in episodic slices, so getting a release date for the first episode is expected this year.

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Kingdom Hearts III finally released this year after 13 long years of waiting. Tetsuya Nomura has said they are working on story DLC so there should be an announcement trailer for that here.

Babylon’s Fall is a Platinum Games developed game announced at last E3. There has not been anything on the game shown since then, so expect to see gameplay and potentially a release date.



Nintendo has a few big names coming to the Switch this year, and they have said they will only be focusing on games releasing this year. 2019 is a jampacked year for the Switch so expect to see a ton. While Metroid Prime 4 was delayed earlier this year and is starting over on its development, these are what the “Big N” should show off.

Pokémon Sword/Pokémon Shield has been revealed off earlier this year. Expect to get a release date and a dive into new mechanics and whatever else this game will bring to longtime fans of the Pokémon series.

Animal Crossing got an announcement for the Switch during another announcement of Isabel coming to Super Smash Bros Ultimate. We have not seen gameplay yet, so again Nintendo should be focusing heavily on this game while also giving a release date.

Luigi’s Mansion 3 has not seen any updates since its announcement trailer last year that featured a little bit of gameplay. This is the third biggest game that we “know” Nintendo is releasing this year so they might not go as big into this as Animal Crossing and Pokémon. A release date is, of course, a given, but a ton of gameplay could be held off on until a Luigi’s Mansion 3 focused Nintendo Direct later this year.

Super Smash Bros Ultimate received its first DLC character with Joker from Persona 5 a month ago. E3 is the perfect time to announce the next character pack as well as the next big update for the game.

Legend of Zelda: Link’s Awakening is coming at some point this year so expect a new trailer letting us know when we get out hands on the popular Gameboy remake.

Mario Kart Tour is the phone game version of the popular Nintendo mascot racing series. The beta was recently announced, so a release date is feasible to be announced here, although not a given because of it being mobile only.

Mario Maker 2 is coming at the end of June and just had a Nintendo Direct focused on it, so expect a new trailer here, but not much new information on it.

Astral Chain was announced by Platinum Games earlier this year during a Nintendo Direct. More should be shown off on the game here, but not sure about a release date.

Bayonetta 3 is part of yet another Platinum Games developed popular series. The game is confirmed to be coming, but nothing has been shown on it. This is the perfect time to reveal the expected Switch exclusive game finally.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses is being released in July. The last big Nintendo Direct went into detail on the gameplay, so I would not expect much more than a new trailer showing more gameplay here.

Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 is another Switch exclusive arriving in July. A new gameplay trailer should be shown as well as new playable character announcements.

Daemon x Machina received a playable demo earlier this year after being announced during E3 last year. The reception on that demo was not very positive, so expect to see how the developer Marvelous! plan to address the concerns with the game.

Cadence of Hyrule is a sequel to the popular Crypt of the Necrodancer indie game. This was an absolute surprise announcement because Nintendo has not lent out Link and Zelda for decades now. The game is supposed to release this Spring, so we are running out of time on that. This could be announced to be available the day of the stream.

John Hansen
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