Pokemon Brilliant Diamond: A Nostalgic Remaster Held Back By Linearity

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, a remastered version of the classic Pokemon game, has been released to much fanfare and anticipation. The game promises to offer players a nostalgic trip down memory lane, while also introducing new features that add depth and challenge to the gameplay.

However, the game’s linearity holds it back from being an essential title in the franchise. While the gameplay structure of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond feels antiquated, the game does offer a challenging experience, particularly in its opening hours and gyms.

The addition of the Grand Underground feature adds a layer of complexity to the game, but the sparse art style can feel eerie and stilted. Despite these shortcomings, the game still manages to capture the essence of the original Pokemon Diamond game, providing a trip down memory lane for fans of the franchise.

This article will explore the gameplay structure of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, the Grand Underground feature, and the art style and nostalgia that the game offers, ultimately determining whether the game lives up to its nostalgic promise or is held back by its linearity.

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

Key Takeaways

  • Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is a remaster of a classic Pokemon game that serves more as a reminder of how far the franchise has come rather than an essential Pokemon title.
  • The game follows a set path and operates in an extremely linear manner, which may disappoint die-hard fans.
  • The addition of the Grand Underground feature effectively breaks up the relative monotony of the game’s exploration and is a fantastic addition.
  • Playing Brilliant Diamond is a nostalgia trip that reveals how much the franchise has evolved over the years.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Gameplay Structure

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

The gameplay of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is characterized by a linear structure that follows a predetermined path, with obstacles and diversions designed to keep players on track. This linearity may come as a disappointment to players who were expecting a more open-world experience. However, this structure does have its merits as it allows for a more focused and streamlined gameplay experience.

The game’s opening hours and gym battles are surprisingly challenging, but as players progress deeper into the game’s world, the playing field is leveled, and the game does a great job of balancing the difficulty levels. Die-hard fans of the franchise may take issue with this as they may prefer a more challenging experience throughout the game.

Nonetheless, the linearity of the gameplay allows for a more accessible and enjoyable experience for players of all skill levels.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Grand Underground Feature

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

Implemented as an additional feature, the Grand Underground adds an element of unpredictability and excitement to the exploration of the game’s world. This new feature expands on the original game and effectively breaks up the relative monotony of the exploration.

In the Grand Underground, players can fight new Pokemon, uncover special gems, build a secret base, and unlock in-game rewards. This feature is a fantastic addition to the game, and it provides players with an opportunity to engage with the world of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond in a new and exciting way.

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The Underground is a feature that’s ripe for a return in the future. Its implementation in Brilliant Diamond showcases how the franchise can evolve and grow with new features that expand on the original games.

The changes made to the Grand Underground are fantastic, and they provide a refreshing change of pace from the main game’s linear structure. Overall, the Grand Underground is an excellent addition to the game, and it adds a layer of depth and excitement to the exploration of the game’s world.

Art Style and Nostalgia

Pokémon Brilliant Diamond

The visual style of the game creates an eerie and desolate atmosphere, with sparse cities and buildings that seem to stretch endlessly into the distance. The 3D art style employed in the remaster makes the spaces feel bigger and emptier than before, highlighting the emptiness of some cities. The art style is a departure from the lavish pixel art of the original games, but it works quite well, and the polish here is impeccable.

The game’s art style is a testament to the advancements in gaming technology and how it can enhance the overall player experience.

Playing Brilliant Diamond is a nostalgia trip that takes players back to the early days of the Pokemon franchise. The changes made to the game have elevated the original titles and improved them for a modern audience. The game remains a fun game, and it reveals how far the franchise has come.

The art style and nostalgia factor combine to create a unique gaming experience that is sure to delight both old and new fans of the franchise.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond Frequently Asked Questions

How does the game handle difficulty balancing?

The game has a carefully balanced difficulty level that may not satisfy die-hard players. The opening hours and gyms are challenging, but the game evens out as players progress. Linearity limits the challenge of certain Pokemon.

Are there any significant changes or additions to the gameplay structure?

Significant changes and additions to the gameplay structure in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond remaster include the Grand Underground, a feature that expands on the original game by allowing players to fight new Pokemon, uncover special gems, build a secret base, and unlock in-game rewards. The linear gameplay structure remains, though difficulty levels have been balanced. The new 3D art style makes spaces seem bigger and emptier than before, and the game’s spareness is more apparent.

How does the Grand Underground feature enhance the game?

The Grand Underground feature in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond enhances the game by offering new opportunities for exploration, such as fighting new Pokemon, uncovering special gems, building a secret base, and unlocking in-game rewards. Its addition breaks up the relative monotony of the game’s exploration and provides an exciting new dimension for players to engage with.

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How does the new 3D art style compare to the original pixel art?

The new 3D art style in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is a departure from the original pixel art, and while it makes spaces feel larger and emptier, the polish is impeccable. A comparison between the two styles is subjective.

How does the remaster compare to the original game in terms of nostalgia value?

The remaster of Pokemon Brilliant Diamond holds significant nostalgia value compared to the original game. The game’s changes have elevated the experience for modern audiences, revealing how far the franchise has come.


Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is a remastered classic that offers a challenging experience for players, but its linearity holds it back from being an essential title. The gameplay structure feels outdated, and die-hard fans may find issue with its difficulty balance.

However, the Grand Underground adds depth to the game, and the nostalgia trip is worth taking for those who want to relive their childhood memories. The sparse art style can feel eerie and stilted, but it also serves as a metaphor for the evolution of the franchise.

Like the art style, Pokemon has come a long way, and sometimes, it’s necessary to take a step back to appreciate how far we’ve come. While the game may not satisfy everyone, it’s a reminder of the impact the franchise has had on our lives and how it continues to bring joy to new generations of gamers.

In conclusion, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is a trip down memory lane that offers a challenging experience, but its linearity and difficulty balance may not appeal to everyone. However, the Grand Underground adds depth to the game, and the sparse art style serves as a metaphor for the evolution of the franchise. For those who want to relive their childhood memories and appreciate the impact of the franchise, this remastered classic is worth playing.

Pokemon Brilliant Diamond

Initial release dateNovember 19, 2021
PlatformNintendo Switch
ModeMultiplayer video game
ComposersJunichi Masuda, Go Ichinose, Shota Kageyama, Morikazu Aoki, Hitomi Satō
GenresRole-playing Video Game, Adventure game
PublishersNintendo, Nintendo of America Inc.
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