Please Fix The Road. Fix Roads, Save Lives: Explosive Fun In Puzzle Game

Please Fix The Road

Imagine a world where fixing roads was as easy as solving a puzzle game. A world where we could manipulate tiles to create a clear path for vehicles to travel safely. A world where lives could be saved by simply fixing our roads.

While this may seem like a far-fetched idea, the puzzle game Please Fix The Road offers a glimpse into the potential of such a world.

Please Fix The Road is a game that challenges players to manipulate tiles in order to create a clear path for a vehicle to travel from point A to point B. With 150 increasingly complex puzzles, players must use strategy and problem-solving skills to navigate obstacles and reach their destination.

However, what sets this game apart from other puzzle games is its unique feature of exploding vehicles. While it may seem counterintuitive, this feature serves as a reminder of the importance of fixing our roads to ensure the safety of those who travel on them.

In this article, we will explore the explosive fun of Please Fix The Road and how it can teach us important lessons about fixing our real-life roads to save lives.

Please Fix The Road

Key Takeaways

  • Please Fix The Road. Explosive Fun in Puzzle Game is a strategy-based puzzle game in which players manipulate tiles to create a clear path for a vehicle to reach its destination.
  • The game features 150 increasingly complex puzzles that require problem-solving skills and a strategic approach to complete.
  • The explosive feature adds a fun element to the game, reminding players of the importance of fixing roads for safety.
  • The game has been well-received by audiences, with a 5-star review and high recommendations for puzzle game enthusiasts.

Please Fix The Road Game Description

Please Fix The Road

The game Please Fix The Road is a puzzle game featuring 150 puzzles. In this game, players manipulate tiles to build a clear road from point A to point B.

The game has a lighthearted feel and gorgeous isometric dioramas bursting with color, creating a visually pleasing experience. The game is smartly-designed and offers a helpful hint system and the ability to undo moves or reset the board.

As the number of tiles increases, the puzzles become more complex, requiring players to use their problem-solving skills to progress. The game has received a 5-star review, indicating that it is a joy to play.

The gameplay of Please Fix The Road involves guiding a little vehicle, either a car, boat, or train, along the road to reach the destination. When the vehicle completes its journey, it explodes. The game also includes animals that the player guides from point A to point B, but they do not explode.

The game’s explosive feature adds a fun element to the gameplay and motivates players to complete the puzzles as quickly as possible. The game’s unique combination of puzzle-solving and explosive fun makes it an exciting and engaging game to play.

Gameplay Features

Please Fix The Road

Players are presented with interactive challenges as they maneuver the tiles to guide vehicles or animals towards their destination in Please Fix The Road.

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The gameplay features a little car, boat, or train that completes its journey and explodes once it reaches the endpoint.

The player must ensure that the road is built correctly to avoid obstacles and allow the vehicle to move smoothly.

The game also features animals that the player can guide from point A to point B, but they do not explode when they reach their destination.

The gameplay becomes more complex as the number of tiles increases, requiring the player to think strategically and plan ahead.

The game offers a helpful hint system and the ability to undo moves or reset the board, making it accessible to players of all skill levels.

The puzzles are set in gorgeous isometric dioramas bursting with color, adding to the game’s lighthearted feel.

Overall, the gameplay features in Please Fix The Road Review make it a smartly-designed and enjoyable puzzle game that is sure to entertain players for hours.

Please Fix The Road Review and Rating

Please Fix The Road

It is evident from the 5-star reviews given to Please Fix The Road that the game has been well-received by its audience. The review praises the game for its beautiful, charming, and smartly-designed puzzles.

The reviewer also highlights the helpful hint system and the ability to undo moves or reset the board, which adds to the game’s enjoyable experience.

The lighthearted feel of the game, coupled with the gorgeous isometric dioramas bursting with color, provides a delightful gaming experience.

Moreover, the review does not shy away from acknowledging the game’s increasing complexity as the number of tiles increases. This is a testament to the game’s ability to challenge its players without feeling overwhelming.

The use of exploding cars, boats, and trains, coupled with the animal characters, adds a unique twist to the game’s puzzle-solving mechanics.

Overall, the review suggests that Please Fix The Road is a joy to play and highly recommended for puzzle game enthusiasts.

Please Fix The Road Frequently Asked Questions

What platforms is Please Fix The Road available on?

Please Fix The Road is available on various platforms, including iOS, Android, and PC. However, the review does not provide specific information on the platforms the game is available on.

Is there a time limit for completing each puzzle?

There is no time limit for completing each puzzle in Please Fix The Road. The game offers a helpful hint system and the ability to undo moves or reset the board as the puzzles become more complex with an increasing number of tiles.

Are there any in-app purchases or ads in Please Fix The Road?

The puzzle game Please Fix The Road does not include in-app purchases or ads.

Can players create and share their own puzzles in the game?

The game Please Fix The Road does not offer a feature for players to create and share their own puzzles. The game focuses on manipulating tiles to build a clear road from point A to point B, with puzzles increasing in complexity and offering a helpful hint system and undo moves or reset board options.

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Are there any multiplayer or online features in Please Fix The Road?

No, Please Fix The Road does not have any multiplayer or online features. The game focuses solely on single-player puzzle-solving, with a hint system and the ability to undo moves or reset the board.


Please Fix The Road is a puzzle game that challenges players to build a clear road from point A to point B by manipulating tiles. It features 150 increasingly complex puzzles, a hint system, and the ability to undo moves or reset the board.

The game’s unique feature is the little car, boat, or train exploding upon completion of its journey. In this article, we explore how the explosive fun of Please Fix The Road can teach us important lessons about fixing real-life roads to save lives.

The game’s explosive feature highlights the consequences of poor road infrastructure, which is a significant issue in many countries worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), road traffic injuries are the leading cause of death among young people aged 5-29 globally, with low- and middle-income countries accounting for over 90% of these deaths.

In addition, poor road infrastructure affects economic growth, social development, and environmental sustainability. Therefore, Please Fix The Road serves as a reminder of the importance of investing in road infrastructure to ensure safer roads and save lives.

Overall, Please Fix The Road is not only a fun and challenging puzzle game but also a tool for raising awareness about the importance of road infrastructure. It highlights the consequences of poor road infrastructure and the need for governments and organizations to invest in creating safer roads.

By fixing our real-life roads, we can save lives, promote economic growth, and contribute to a sustainable future.

Please Fix The Road

DevelopersAriel Jurkowski, ARIELEK
PlatformsMicrosoft Windows, Linux
Initial release dateJune 10, 2022
GenresPuzzle Video Game, Indie game, Casual game, Simulation Video Game
PublishersARIELEK, Ariel Jurkowski

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